And Now For an Update!
OK, it’s been some time since I last blogged about…well….anything. My main problem is that there is sooooo much I could blog about I often fail to pick something and then my blog sits there…idle…for weeks or months. Well, I am hoping to start blogging with a bit more frequency as I have a lot to say about a lot of things. All I can say is…stay tuned… If anyone has any topics they want covered, feel free to comment below. For now, let me just give an update as to what I’ve been up to.
My last post was on my remodeling projects, As far as those go, My housemates and I have finished the floor entirely, primed the upstairs and hallway coming downstairs into the foyer, primed / painted the living room, and primed / painted the first coat in the dining room. New furniture has been ordered for the living room and the electrical is all done. Wired in a new ceiling fan, new outlets, re-ran the cable, mounted the TV on the wall, installed a new sound system and wired in a new thermostat…Next up is to finish the painting and the installation if the drop ceiling in the foyer.
OK, on top of all of that, I am currently taking my hunter safety course. I had class on Tuesday (9/10). Another class tonight and then again Saturday morning. So far it’s been about hunting laws, ethics and conservation. We covered a little about basic firearm safety but the fun stuff starts tonight. We are going to get into firearms and basic hunting skills. On Saturday we get to shoot and take a 50 question test. So far the class has been pretty informative. I had to drive all the way to Brockport to take the class (about 35 minutes from my house) but it’s worth it. I’m really looking forward to hunting this year..even if I don’t bag anything it will be nice to get out into the woods for a while. I also think I may have found a gun club worth joining. It’s where I’m taking the class but it’s low key, has decent facilities and it’s 100 bucks for the year. Then I can actually go shooting so I can practice my skills.
What else…oh, yeah, what happened to summer? It was a complete blur! How was everyone else’s summer (feel free to comment below)?
Well, that’s all for now. Next blog is likely to be either political or religious in nature (my two favorite subjects right now)…so stay tuned…
God Bless