Conquering the "Blue Funk"


Hello all! I now it’s been awhile. I am still working out the “kinks” in my plan to blog more frequently and so far it’s not working too well. Rest assured I am trying so bare with me.

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And Now For an Update!


OK, it’s been some time since I last blogged about…well….anything. My main problem is that there is sooooo much I could blog about I often fail to pick something and then my blog sits there…idle…for weeks or months.

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Home Remodeling


OK, those that know me well know that I am a DIY’er when it comes to many things including home improvement projects. There are three reasons for this: I don’t like to pay others to do what I can do myself I love to learn new things Sometimes it’s actually fun Now, I have been remodeling my house for many years.

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2013-06-14 | #Christ #witness

Thank God I’m Forgiven! I know most people know TGIF as “Thank God It’s Friday”, but in thinking about it, I really think that it’s much more important to thank Almighty God that we are forgiven in Jesus Christ.

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